Sunday September25, 2016
Today we had a scheduled full day trip. It’s a amazing the difference a few hours makes on the North Atlantic in late September. The buoy report had 5.5 feet every 5 seconds for a wave report, by the time we got to the fishing grounds it was 4-6 ft with a few around 8 ft every 3-5 seconds, a swell from the East, a wave chop from the Northwest and basically we were in a washing machine.
This did not create ideal conditions for fishing or catching. Most fish caught were small pollock, haddock were almost impossible to keep on the line in these conditions. It was ideal for jigging cod and pollock. We ended up with a few red fish, pollock, and nice cod, but under the conditions, we called the trip early for the safety of the customers and crew, we felt it was the right decision, so we came in early. Safety first.
Saturday September 24, 2016
Today, we had a morning half day charter which got cancelled due to the forecast of heavy seas from the front that moved through overnight.
The afternoon 3/4 day trip was a go thanks to the morning calm. The forecast was nasty, but we were pleasantly surprised by 2-4 ft seas that laid down to 1-2 ft for the ride home. It really turned into a nice afternoon. The fishing was good, we cut fish to the break water with a nice mix of cod and haddock with a few pollock mixed in. We had a person with a double keeper haddock catch which we always find special. We fought something big for about 20 minutes, we suspect it was a blue shark, but we never saw it. Whatever it was, it took a fish close to bottom, and took line out and around the boat, tuna? Blue shark? we’ll never know……Good times.
We have the following trips scheduled for next weekend…………..
Saturday, October 1st, 2016 Half Day Fishing 1pm-5:30pm
Sunday, October 2nd, 2016 3/4 Day Fishing 8am – 2pm
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 Full Day Charter
Another fantastic fall day on the water. Today, we had a small charter of 17 Marines. Never have I been called “sir” so many times. Great group of people. The fishing was slow in the morning. We would pick a few fish and move on. After the tide change, the bite picked up considerably with about an hour of very steady big haddock fishing and another hour of a slower pick. We were able to mix in a few cod and Pollock with only 1 dog fish caught today. By the end of the day, many of these Marines were exhausted, and the crew cut fish for just 17 anglers past the breakwater. We thank you all for your service and hope to see you again next year.
We have more trips scheduled this week……
Saturday, September 24th, 3/4 Day Fishing 12pm-6pm
Sunday, September 25th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
For reservations, give us a call at 978 559 1978.
Sunday, September 18th, 2016 Full Day Fishing
Very nice September day of fishing under cloudy skies, we were able to get to the area that has been producing some of the best fish of the year. The fishing was very good, though we swung hard on the anchor and the moon tide continued to move us around increasing the number of tangles. We caught the usual variety of fish, cod, haddock, cusk, and Pollock. Dog fish had their moments, but not too bad.
Saturday, September 17th, 2016 Double Half Day
The tale of two trips. The morning trip was an open boat 1/2 day trip. We went to the south where we usually find some very nice cod fish this time of year. It was pretty much a bust. The fish were on the screen, but the moon tide and southerly breeze swung us on anchor, and the fish just were not interested. We caught a few keeper haddock, some mud hake, and a bunch of small haddock.
The afternoon trip was a 1/2 day charter and polar opposite of the morning. We headed in the same general direction, just a mile or so away from where we fished the morning, partly because we saw all those fish and because it with the breeze picking up, it would be more comfortable. We caught a bunch of Pollock in the 3-6 lb class, some nice cod, a monster red fish, a few mud hake, and only a couple dog fish. The bite was significantly better than the morning trip.
Don’t forget, September 30th, is the last day we can retain cod, but haddock and Pollock remain open into October. Plenty of great fishing yet to do, we have many dates available for charters, and upcoming full day trips and a marathon in October.
Upcoming schedule:
Saturday, September 24th, 3/4 Day Fishing 12pm-6pm
Sunday, September 25th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
For reservations, give us a call at 978 559 1978.
Saturday September 10, 2016 – Marathon Fishing at it’s Best!
Marathon Saturday was a great day to be on the ocean. We left the dock at 5 am under the cover of darkness and while steaming to the fishing grounds was graced by an unbelievable sunrise over flat calm seas.
The fishing was very good all day. We caught some of the best fish of the year, the haddock were larger than normal with very few short fish, we caught some of our best cod of the year up to 15 pounds, the pollock are around, but the beasts have not arrived yet, and some really nice cusk up to 10 lbs.The dog fish bothered us from time to time and chased us away from some spots, but if you could get your bait right on bottom through the dogs, there were some really great fish to be caught.

For the next couple of weeks, we have the following trips available. As always, if you don’t see what you want, give us a call as the schedule does occasionally change.
Saturday, September 17th, Half Day Fishing 7am – 11:30am
Sunday, September 18th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Saturday, September 24th, 3/4 Day Fishing 12pm – 6pm
Sunday, September 25th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Remember, no COD after September 30th, but still plenty of haddock, cusk, pollock….etc…..
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978.
Saturday September 1st, 2016
Full boat, full day fishing. We have been changing some of our fishing locations as of late, trying to get away from the small haddock and dog fish. We found new fish, this time it was small cod, with some keepers in the mix, so we continue to search for new bodies of larger fish. Maybe Hermaine is just what the fishing Gods need to shake things up a little bit. We caught our usual assortment of cod, haddock, cusk, and pollock, just not the number of ‘keepers’ that we would like see. We should start seeing more schools of larger pollock around this time of year, time will tell. Plenty of great fishing still to be had before the snow flies (100 days until Christmas).
The hurricane will keep us in port most of the week, we are offering the following trips this weekend, when summer returns….
Friday, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Saturday, Marathon Trip 5am -5pm
Sunday, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978.
Saturday, August 27th
Today, we had a full day corporate charter. It was not the best day for legal landings, but there was plenty of activity. The dog fish were out in full force, getting through them to the good fish was a real challenge, any bait rig that floated off bottom would find a green eyed dog fish taking hold. Those that could get through, and stay close to bottom were rewarded with haddock, cod, cusk, and redfish. The largest fish of the trip was a 15 lb wolf fish, which we promptly returned to the ocean unharmed, the pool winning fish was an 11 lb cusk.

Open boat Sunday, First we had a ¾ day trip with 30 anxious anglers, on a greasy flat ocean, no wind, and warm. The bite was definitely off, we had plenty of fish on the sounding machine. There is a ton of small haddock, probably 5 small haddock for every keeper. We did get the usual assortment of fish, with red fish being most common, along with a couple nice cod and about 20 keeper haddock.

The half day trip started very similar to the morning trip, with a very slow pick, but we did get some nice 24-28 inch cod, perfect eating size fish. The haddock and pollock were not cooperating. The breeze piped up a little, creating 1-2 foot seas, which may have helped the bite. Finally at the last stop, we found a more cooperative bunch of fish, where we got some haddock, pollock and red fish to round out the catch.
Some people may have had to stop at the grocery store to get dinner this weekend, but you could not beat the weather we enjoyed. It’s hard to believe we are approaching Labor Day weekend.
Wednesday August 24, 2016
What a difference a couple days makes. Today we had a 3/4 day open boat trip with some regulars, rookies, and kids. The weather was perfect. We were pleasantly surprised to have a visit from a group of hard core anglers that usually fish our full day trips. The crew refer to them as the ‘Three Wisemen’ and Tommy, and if you ever met them, you would know why. Asked what they were doing on a 3/4 day trip, George says,”3/4 day fishing is better than no fishing.” I couldn’t agree more.
The fishing and catching was very good. Historically, our 3/4 day trips provide a smorgasbord of fish, and today the fishing grounds produced. A very good mix of keeper pollock, cod, cusk, and red fish. The biggest change from last weekend, the dogfish were not a problem. We caught a few, but nothing like we have been seeing.
Really, a very good day of fishing had by all.

This week, we have the following trips available……..
Friday, August 26th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Sunday, August 28th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Sunday, August 28th, Half Day Fishing 1:30pm-6pm
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978.
Weekend, August 18th-21st, 2016
Our weekend was once again full of trips, both charters and open boat trips. The weather has been fantastic for all trips with plenty of sunshine and smooth sailing. The fishing has been very good all year, and this weekend was no exception. We had 2 full day trips, 2 three quarter day trips and an open boat half day trip.

The full day trips are our most productive trips in terms of keeper fish. Haddock is the most prevalent fish with 2 short fish for every keeper (unless your name is Mark, then it’s more like 10 shorts to every keeper). Now able to keep a small amount of cod fish, we average about 10 cod per full day trip that are 24 inches or larger. The pollock and cusk seem to be hanging around in our fishing areas as well. Most people on a full day leave the boat with a variety of fish.

The ¾ day trips are always busy. The landing of legal fish on these trips have become more difficult with the addition of the dreaded dog fish. We are also seeing a number of small haddock on these trips. Usually, 5 shorts for every keeper. The good thing is that more cusk, red fish, and pollock have also moved in and action is non-stop.
The ½ day trips have been very consistent all year. This weekend’s ½ day saw many cod and haddock hit the deck, but most were undersize, but we did mix in a few keepers. The ½ day grounds are also covered with dog fish which limits our ability to capture desirable fish. There is still plenty of fun to be had on these trips.
Wild life also seen on the ocean over the weekend included seals, dolphins, a school of Bluefin tuna, a minke whale, an ocean sunfish, a couple basking shark, and big blue sharks. adventure in
Always an the Gulf of Maine aboard the Lady Sea.
This week, the weather trend continues to look favorable, we have the following trips……..
Wednesday, August 24th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Friday, August 26th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Sunday, August 28th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Sunday, August 28th, Half Day Fishing 1:30pm-6pm
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978.
Dog Days of August……
The past six days, the Lady Sea was the fishing platform for 2 Full Day trips, a 12 hour Marathon, a 3/4 Day and 2 Half Day trips.
This is a very simple fishing report. The weather was great, the fishing was great, the catching was great, and legal landings were very good. The full day trips and the marathon found us processing fish all the way to the breakwater. We caught very nice haddock, some cod, Pollock, redfish and cusk. It’s nice to have cod winning boat pools for the first time in a couple years. We also had a couple 10+ pound wolf fish that were returned to the depths alive. The dog fish were not a problem at all. There are blue sharks around taking an occasional fish from an unsuspecting angler. Marine life includes some basking sharks and a few whales.
This weekend was as good as it gets, only a couple weeks before school starts, we have some trips available over the next couple weeks….get out here before your calendars get very busy.
Wednesday, August 17th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Wednesday, August 17th, Half Day Fishing 130pm – 6pm
Thursday, August 18th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Saturday, August 20th, Half Day Fishing 1:30pm – 6pm
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978.
Saturday July 30
Today we had a full day charter. The weather was perfect, the ride to the fishing grounds was very comfortable. The catching was a little slower today than it has been. We caught some nice cusk and haddock along with those pesky codfish and dog fish. We made more stops today than we have on any other full day trip this year jumping all over the fishing grounds trying different depths and different types of bottom. Plenty of fish on the screen, not enough coming over the rail. Just one of those days.
Sunday July 31
Today we had enough customers to run an afternoon ½ day trip. The weather forecast was a little suspect, but as it turned out, we had a very light mist at the beginning of the trip and then just overcast with peaks of sun. The air temperature was warm and comfortable. The fishing and catching was very good from start to finish with many fish coming over the rails. We had a good mix of whiting, mud hake, and haddock for keepers. We also had many small haddock and pesky cod that had to be returned to the ocean. We a great group with many kids aboard, many of whom captured their first career fish, which always makes the trip a little more satisfying.
Monday August 1, 2016
Today is the first day that cod 24” or larger may be kept, but the Lady Sea has other pressing issues to attend to. We leave to serve as the tender boat for the U.S. Navy’s USS Oak Hill at the annual Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland, Maine.
Our regular schedule will resume on the 10th of August with the following trips:
Wednesday, August 10th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Wednesday, August 10th, Half Day Fishing 1:30pm – 6pm
Thursday, August 11th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Friday, August 12th, MARATHON FISHING 5am – 5pm
Saturday, August 13th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Saturday, August 13th, Half Day Fishing 1:30pm – 6pm
Sunday, August 14th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the water.
And remember, COD fishing is ON!!
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