Wednesday, August 24th, 3/4 Day Fishing Trip
Wednesday August 24, 2016
What a difference a couple days makes. Today we had a 3/4 day open boat trip with some regulars, rookies, and kids. The weather was perfect. We were pleasantly surprised to have a visit from a group of hard core anglers that usually fish our full day trips. The crew refer to them as the ‘Three Wisemen’ and Tommy, and if you ever met them, you would know why. Asked what they were doing on a 3/4 day trip, George says,”3/4 day fishing is better than no fishing.” I couldn’t agree more.
The fishing and catching was very good. Historically, our 3/4 day trips provide a smorgasbord of fish, and today the fishing grounds produced. A very good mix of keeper pollock, cod, cusk, and red fish. The biggest change from last weekend, the dogfish were not a problem. We caught a few, but nothing like we have been seeing.
Really, a very good day of fishing had by all.

This week, we have the following trips available……..
Friday, August 26th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Sunday, August 28th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Sunday, August 28th, Half Day Fishing 1:30pm-6pm
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978.