Saturday May 28, 2016 Fishing Report
Saturday May 28, 2016
3/4 Day Charter
Once again, we entertained a private school from Vermont on a 3/4 day trip. This is our first 3/4 day trip of the year. We got off to a late start, something about a wheel barrow in the road on the ride to Gloucester.

We arrived at the fishing grounds during slack tide under beautiful sunny skies and calm seas. The fishing was a slow pick for the first 2 stops, the final stop was very good. We caught many cod at all stops, probably would have limited out under August rules, but we were able to keep a bunch of red fish, haddock, and a cusk to send them home with a decent catch.
Hope to see you all again next year. Have a great summer!
From the Deck of the Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew