Opening Day, Sunday, May 1st, 2016
Yes, 2016 fishing season has started. The new regulations say 15 haddock per person at 17″ or larger, and August 1 to end of September, 1 cod per person at 24″ of larger. Today’s trip was great, not a limit trip by any means, but for the first trip of the year, it was very successful.
Contrary to many weather forecasts, the sun was with us until late morning and was very pleasant. After about 11 am, the clouds took over, air temperature dropped, wind picked up a little and we had a 2-3 foot chop, which a few found uncomfortable for their stomach contents.
The fishing was pretty good, a steady pick of haddock. We battled the current during the morning. We released many small cod, pollock, but got some very good size haddock and cusk. The pool winner was a cusk of 5 to 6 pounds. We had many ‘regular’ or ‘irregular’ anglers depending how you look at it, aboard today. The laughs and comradery with these people make it enjoyable for all. There was not much surface life today in terms of whale activity or other ocean creatures, but we did see some bait fish around, so it could break open any day!
From The Deck of the Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew