Opening Day
Opening Day, Friday May 15, 2015
Perfect. The newly painted Lady Sea made its first exit of the year bound for the fishing grounds under sunny skies, zero wind, and an eager group of regular Lady Sea anglers. On the ride we came across fin back whales, dolphins and basking sharks. The ocean was flat calm, so viewing of these bonus sights was fantastic. On the fishing grounds we found plenty of bait and plenty of fish. The anchor never hit the water, with zero wind, drift fishing was the only option. It was a constant pick throughout the day topping off our haddock limit on the final stop. A couple Pollock and cusk mixed in made the day great for everyone aboard. The first wolf fish and dogfish of the year entertained the younger crowd on board.
Saturday May 16, 2015 Charter
Our first charter of the year ran a trip to our ¾ day grounds. An eager group of school kids and chaperones visiting the Lady Sea for the 3rd year in a row. Again, the weather was good. The fishing was good with a mixed bag of haddock, cusk and red fish. For this group, it is always about the experience.
Sunday May 17, 2015
Full boat Sunday. We left the dock in pea soup fog with visibility about 50 feet. We carried the fog all the way to the fishing grounds and most of the morning. By mid-day, the fog burned off, and we had a perfect ride home. Again, it was so calm, there was no use for the anchor and lines tended perfectly. The fishing was steady with mostly haddock followed by cusk and a random pollock. We came up a few fish shy of our haddock bag limit. We saw the basking sharks again, but no whales with the thick fog.
The crew of the Lady Sea could not have asked for a more perfect opening weekend. There are plenty of fish around, we think even with the new regulations, more people will walk off our boat with fresh filets than ever before. We have a little boat maintenance to do during the first half of the week, but we are right back at it this weekend and the long range forecast looks perfect.

From The Deck of the Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew