Last Weekend of August, 2015 Fishing Reports
Saturday, August 29th, 2015
A perfect weekend for fishing. Saturday morning we ran a 3/4 day trip. The ride to the grounds had us sail through a pod of dolphins, but otherwise uneventful. It was a great day to be on the water. The fishing was good, there was a little full moon current that we had to work around, but very manageable. We caught a lot of fish, but most were short haddock. One person caught a fish on every drop, 16 sub legal haddock in a row! We made a move to the other side of the bank for the last stop and it was much improved. It was mostly haddock with a few pollock and cusk mixed in. Only a couple dog fish and no blue sharks.
Sunday August 30, 2015
Sunday we ran a full day trip, some regular customers with a few first timers, we headed out under slightly choppy conditions. The wind picked up from the southwest overnight and we took 1-3 foot seas at an awkward angle for the ride, picking up to 4 ft as we approached the fishing grounds, but not bad. As the day progressed, the wind disappeared leaving us fishing comfortably and a perfect ride home.
The fishing was very good. Easily obtained the boat bag limit for haddock with a few tipping the 7-8 lb range. We also had a few cusk, red fish, and pollock to round out the catch. The deck was busy all day and one of our top 3 days for catching dogfish. The current was such that it created many tangles with the help of the dog fish. The crew earned their pay today. When the dust settled, I believe everyone enjoyed our last trip where we will be able to keep haddock. Yes, that sly, most experienced regular angler swiped another pool with a nice cusk. Nice work Gene, Semper Fi!
Labor Day weekend is coming fast. We have been chartered by the US Navy to work the Schooner Festival in Gloucester for the USS Fort McHenry. There will be public tours offered, shuttled by the Lady Sea and crew.
For those of you that put your fishing gear away at Labor Day, we thank you for a wonderfully memorable season. More customers left the boat with fish this year than any other season and we were happy to have you as our guests. Those of you that still want to fish, we can still target pollock, red fish, cusk, and hake after September. Sign up to be on the Gloucester Fleet email list so we can update you of any future trips or happenings aboard the Lady Sea.