Last Weekend in May, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
We had a full day charter aboard today. The fishing and catching was very good. We easily made the bag limit on haddock with a couple cusk and pollock mixed in, made it a great day. There was life again on Tillies with a few whales meandering about the balls of bait. Calm sailing, good times.
Saturday May 30 Marathon
Early start to the day for us. In a thick haze/fog, we sailed out to Tillies on our first marathon of the year. It was a clam ride with visibility ranging from a quarter mile to a half mile most of the way to the fishing grounds. The marathon gives us extra time to explore different parts of the fishing grounds. It started as a slow pick of haddock in the morning. After a mid morning tide change, the bite picked up and we made our haddock limit. There was also a nice sign of pollock arriving, with a 7 lb pollock taking the pool today. There were more nice signs of bait, herring and mackeral. The wind piped up from the south making for a bit uncomfortable ride.

Sunday May 31
The forecast for today called for strong southerly winds, 4 to 6 foot seas, with rain and thunder. With a light reservation list, we decided to take today off. We could have sailed, but the misery to endure just wasn’t worth it this early in the season. Looks like we will have some inclement weather for the first half of the week, should mix things up a little.
Next weekend, we start our 3/4 day and 1/2 day weekend schedule. The fishing has been very good this year with almost everybody leaving the boat with fresh fillets.
From the Deck of the Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew