June 27th – July 1st, Weekly Wrap Up

Wednesday, June 27th

On Wednesday, we had a private charter with a group of repeat customers. The trip went very well, with us boating over 350 haddock, and only having to deal with a couple dozen dogfish throughout the day.


Friday, June 29th

Fridays marathon started out on a very similar track, with us putting 150 fish on the boat in the first 2 stops of the day (with only 15 customers on the trip!). However, as we got into the slack tide, the bite died out significantly. We spent the rest of the day with a slow pick, and a few more dogfish than the previous trip.

Through talking to other captains operating in our area, and my own observations, I have a clear picture of the dogfish moving in for the summer, and where they are. Its a constant battle between trying to avoid them, and still fishing effectively. They are definitely detrimental to our fishing.


Saturday, June 30th

On Saturday, we had another private charter with a group who comes out yearly. We started our day 17 miles offshore, where we caught fish on the earlier trips in the week. This was the wrong place to be. The difference a day makes can be unbelievable sometimes. We made a decision to move closer to home, and by the end of the day, it paid off. Fishing just 12.5 miles from home, we had a great afternoon of fishing. We caught plenty of haddock, saw some pollock over 10 lbs and got into some bigger cusk as well. Everyone went home with fish, and the day was a success.


Sunday, July 1st

Sunday turned out like Saturday afternoon. With a full open boat trip, and against conventional wisdom, we started the day just 12 miles from Gloucester harbor. We switched from anchoring to drifting a couple of times depending on the little bit of breeze that kicked on and off throughout the day. We fished between 200 and 240 ft of water, and managed to boat over 250 fish by the end. Again, the area we fished produced some bigger codfish (released unharmed), cusk, pollock and haddock. The pool winner was a 15 lb pollock.

Trips have been filling up fast.  Call soon to book your spots for the weekend.  For reservations please call us at 978 559 1978.