Friday, June 2nd, Half Day Charter
Friday, June 2nd, 2017 Half Day Charter

The Lady Sea returning from a half day charter with beautiful clouds and sun with a group of students from the Greenwood School, from Putney, VT. They had a great day of fishing. Caught tons of fish and can’t wait to come back again next year. Photo compliments of Good Morning Gloucester.
Saturday June 3, 2017 3/4 Day Trip
We made the steam to the area we have been fishing full day trips and it was worth the extra travel time. There isn’t much we can say, it was great fishing, just as it has been all spring. Really, crazy good, experienced anglers had 10-14 keeper haddock, rookies had 6-8 keepers. The average size was better today than what we have been seeing as well. Of course we had a few cod (up to 10 lbs), mackerel, small pollock, a few sculpin and whiting to round out the living creatures caught today. We left the fishing grounds a few minutes early to give the 3 meat cutters a full 2 hours to process all the fish with the last fish cut as we came through the breakwater. This memorable spring action continues.
Sunday June 4, 2017 Full Day trip
It continues, there isn’t much else we can say, the fishing is fantastic. Today, the weather was perfect, slight current which had the fish on the bite. Our first stop was a very slow pick, so we tried to drift which produced some very nice cod, but not many haddock. We set up again on anchor and it was slow, with more nice cod, so we made another move through the armada of boats out there today, found some fish stacked up 20 feet from bottom. The bite was on, haddock, pollock, and cod on almost every drop for everyone. One angler, who documents each catch, reported catching a total of 50 fish today, and easily attained his haddock bag limit. Our regular angler, Gene the Marine captured the correct fish for the pool, also the last fish of his for the day.
The only problem, we didn’t get a chance to take some action photos. More than once, the comment of the day from many customers, “This is the best fishing I have ever seen.”
We have a little weather coming in the first part of this week, but next weekend is looking more summer like, we have a few private charters already booked, but we do have the following ‘open boat’ trips available……….
Friday, June 9th All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Sunday, June 11th 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Sunday, June 11th Half Day Fishing 1:30pm – 6pm
Wednesday, June 14th All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Friday, June 16th, Marathon Trip 5am -5pm
Saturday, June 17th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Saturday, June 17th, Half Day Fishing1:30pm – 6pm
Sunday, Father’s Day Special – All Day Fishing $56.00 per person
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978.