Tuesday, July 21st
Today we ran a ¾ day trip. The fishing and catching was excellent for the entire trip. Much like Sunday, we had too many below legal size fish. We ended up with a mixed bag of haddock, pollock, cusk, red fish, and mackerel. We had almost as many keeper Pollock as we did keeper haddock. The best news was the lack of dog fish, only a couple for the entire trip.
Still room on the weekends trips. Give us a call at 978 559 1978.
From the Deck of the Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew
Friday, Saturday, Sunday July 17-19, 2015
Three full day trips, three days of haddock limits. The fishing and catching this weekend was great. We reached our haddock limits on all three trips, we saw many more keeper Pollock up to 10 lbs. Saturday was a one stop day, and we caught fish the entire time. Sunday was our slowest day in a while, but mainly because our catch consisted of many more dog fish and juvenile haddock. We moved to a slightly different area and produced more keeper haddock.
We have a very busy week ahead with charters and some non-fishing cruises, but do have room on the following open boat trips:
Tuesday – 3/4 Day Fishing 8am – 2pm
Saturday – Half Day 7am -11:30am
Sunday – 3/4 Day 7am – 1pm
Sunday – Half Day 1:30pm-6pm
Please call us at 978 559 1978 to make your reservation. Spaces are filling up quick!
From the Deck of the Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew
Thursday, July 9
Half Day Trip
Mid week, the Half Day trip was very good. Seem to be quite a bit of action around the boat. For a half day trip, we got about 30 keepers and many throw backs. Seemed to be some new juvenile cod in the area that we have been fishing so we will start looking at some of our other in shore spots to avoid these fish.
Friday, July 10
All Day Trip
The rain cleared just as we threw the lines, with a light crowd of 19 anglers, we headed for the full day trip. About a half mile off the break water we had our first whale sighting of the weekend. We got to the fishing grounds and a big seal was swimming close by, not long after that, an ocean sunfish swam around the stern, and by days end, we had our first blue shark sighting of the year. We caught our haddock bag limit by noon, we found some nice size cusk and pollock to round out the catch. A 10 lb pollock took the pool over a 9.5 lb cusk. The dog fish have arrived, but have not been too bad yet.
Saturday, July 11
3/4 & Half Day Trips
The 3/4 day trip from 7am -1pm, had a very pleasant day of fishing. The fishing was good from start to finish. The day grounds gave us a variety of haddock, pollock, red fish, and cusk. We also caught some mackerel as well. It’s a great trip for people that don’t want to give up an entire day. A couple dog fish(sand sharks) were caught which is always a hit with the younger generation, not so for the crew.
The afternoon Half Day day trip was a little slower, probably due to the calm weather. There were still plenty of fish on the sounding machine, but the bite was definitely off. I knew that when I saw a foul hook haddock on a bait rig come over the rail. Still another great day on the water.
Sunday July 12
Private Charter – All Day Fishing
Sunday, Funday….We have a number of private charters each year that we really look forward to hosting. Today was one of those events where the people who rent our services include us in their fun. The weather was perfect, the cigars were tremendous, and the fishing was great. A 2 stop day on a full day trip is very rare, but the fish kept coming over the rail. It was a large group and it was tough to keep track of each fish, but we did have a nice variety, mostly haddock by the end of the day.
Our schedule for this coming week is:
Tuesday, July 14th – All Day
Friday, July 17th – All Day
Sunday, July 19th – All Day
Give us a call at 978 559 1978 to make your reservations soon.
From the Deck of the M/V Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew
Friday, June 26th, 2015
All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Excellent day of fishing. Today we had a full day open boat trip to Tillies. The fishing and catching was great from start to finish. Most fish caught were haddock in the 3-5 lb range with a couple larger ones in the mix. Cod were plentiful as well, all released back to the ocean alive. We caught our largest fish of the year, a 21 lb ‘steaker’ cod which of course was returned to it’s home unharmed. Some of our regular anglers said today was the best day of fishing they have had in many years. Then there our poster boy of good luck, Tommy. He recently acquired his father’s rod and reel, a hand me down as his father upgraded. The rod and reel were gently used but in great condition. This was Tommy’s maiden voyage with his new toy, well, Tommy fumbled it right over the rail to a watery grave, or so we thought as a little while later, another angler caught his rod in the ocean floor and brought it back to the surface. Tommy, it’s better to be lucky than good! And you will never hear the end of it from the crew or your father!
Saturday, June 27th, 2015
3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Is it shark week? On the 3/4 day grounds, the dog fish have arrived chasing haddock up from the depths, tangling lines, and just being a nuisance. Working around the dog’s we had a very good morning trip with a wide variety of fish and many obtaining their haddock limits. A variety of pollock, cusk, and redfish rounded out the catch, with a 9 lb cusk beating a 7 lb cusk for pool honors. We had an ocean sunfish, Mola Mola, visit us on our first stop. A very productive trip in beautiful weather.
Saturday, June 27th, 2015
Half Day Fishing 1:30pm – 6pm
The afternoon half day trip was a bachelor party charter. These are usually fun trips with or without the fish. The fish cooperated, the dog fish have not found the in shore grounds and we had constant action for the entire trip. The majority of the fish caught were cod, which were gently returned alive. We also got a mix bag of haddock, cusk, mackerel, and pollock.
This week, we put the fishing gear away and work as the shuttle service for the proud men and women of the USS Tortuga for the Fourth of July celebrations in Bristol, RI. If you have time, there will also be a tour of the ship opened to the public. Check with Rhode Island’s Chamber of Commerce for the exact time.
Have a safe and happy 4th of July. Our next fishing trip is scheduled for………………
July 9th, Half Day 1:30pm – 6pm
July 10th, All Day 7am – 4pm
July 11th, 3/4 Day 7am – 1pm
July 11th, Half Day 1:30 pm – 6pm
From the Deck of the M/V Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew
Saturday morning’s 3/4 day trip was again great. We left the dock under perfect weather, smooth sailing and a eager group of anglers. We steamed to where we have been having great success most of the year. As we steamed up on the bank, the fish finder lit up with echos signaling a good group of fish. Though not where we intended to start our day, we decided to throw anchor and see what it was. Red fish, red fish and more red fish, with a few haddock in the mix, but really, we took just under 100 red’s in 45 minutes on that spot. We left the red’s biting and steamed to our original destination where we had a pick of haddock, pollock, cusk, and mackerel. Pool winner was Wayne’s 7lb bull haddock. There was a larger cusk, but was not in the pool. The steam back to port was comfortable, the last fish was cut as we passed through the bridge.
Saturday afternoon’s 1/2 day trip started as the morning ended under smooth sailing conditions. We had a fairly light crowd as we sailed to a similar location as Thursday’s very successful 1/2 day trip. The fish were there, we had a little current that negatively impacted the catching for some. Our resident jig fisherman had a fish a cast all afternoon boating 3 keeper pollock, 4 keeper haddock, a bunch of mackerel, and an assortment of cod up to 9 lbs, all released alive. Bait did not have the same appeal to these fish and the catching of keepers was a little on the slow side for most of the boat. We also caught a wolf fish to scare our younger anglers with and was released back alive. The winds picked up during the afternoon out of the southeast which made for a 2 to 4 foot chop and a couple larger rollers for the ride home.
Sunday’s Father’s Day trip was cancelled due to the remnants of TS Bill passing through the area, with heavy rain, strong winds, seas of 4-6′ and chilly conditions just didn’t seem to make sense. I just took a ride along the coast, and I am happy with our decision.
This week, we have an All Day Trip scheduled for Tuesday and Friday and the 3/4 Day for Saturday morning. Please call us at 978 559 1978 to make your reservation.
From the Deck of the M/V Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew
Monday June 15, YES!
Today we had a private charter. We left the dock in heavy rain. We had the rain during the first half of the morning, the ocean was calm, by afternoon it was a heavy mist, light rain. We got our quota on haddock along with a few cod, nothing too big, but fun to catch and release. The haddock were some of the largest we have seen this year on a full day trip. Weather was not good, fishing was just the way we like it, more keepers than throw backs.
Thursday, June 18th Half Day Fishing Trip! HALF DAY SUCCESS!
We ran a rare midweek ½ day trip today and it was fantastic. Action from start to finish with over 50 keeper haddock landed and many cod caught and released to keep the activity going. The weather was perfect, the fishing great, a super combination for a Thursday afternoon.
We still have room this weekend if you are looking for something fun to do with the family.
This week we have the following trips available:
Thursday – Half Day Fishing 1:30pm – 6pm
Friday – All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Saturday – 3/4 day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Saturday – Half Day Fishing 1:30pm – 6pm
Sunday – Father’s Day Special – All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Give us a call at 978 559 1978 to make your reservations now!
From the Deck of the M/V Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew
Saturday June 12th, 2015
In the morning, we had a private charter 3/4 day trip. We left the dock under cloudy, windy skies as a front moved through. We took a 2-3 foot sea out of the Northwest all the way to the fishing grounds. The first stop was a bit windy and the tide was screaming aft, but really it was a surface current, after 15 feet, everything went straight down. The bite was good for the first 2 stops. During the second stop, the wind died out, the sun came out and the bite faded. By the end of the trip, it was flat calm, bright sunshine and warm. The surface current had a big impact on our landings of legal fish and we also got inundated with those pesky cod fish (“Oh no, it’s another cod”), up to 12 lbs. Keepers included haddock, pollock, cusk, redfish, and mackerel. Not as many keepers as we like, but plenty of fishing action.
The afternoon 1/2 day trip was absolutely beautiful, weather wise. The fish were waiting for us, just not willing to bite. The calm conditions of the ocean certainly negatively impacted out catch. A few haddock, redfish and mackerel were included in the keepers. I am sure there will be better days ahead as we settle into the summer warmth.
Sunday June 13th, 2015
The morning started with a cool chill, but very calm conditions with light winds 5-10 knts. It was overcast most of the morning with a slight 1 foot ripple on the ocean. The current was not nearly as bad as yesterday. The first stop was a pick, we had a few keepers in the mix of cod and shorts. We made a slight move up the bank and it got much better. I forgot how much I love the 3/4 day fishing grounds because of the variety of fish we catch. The second stop produced, keeper haddock, redfish, cusk, pollock, and some jumbo mackerel. After the bite petered out, we made one more move and got some of our largest haddock of the season. A 9 lb cusk won the pool, everybody left with fish and smiles. We came within a few haddock of our limit which is fantastic for a short 3/4 day trip. Really, a very fun trip.
The afternoon 1/2 day trip suffered from nice weather. We had a boat with enthusiastic kids, too bad the dog fish are not in yet, these guys would have loved that! Instead they got a few short fish and a few keepers. We tried a different 1/2 day spot today that has produced for us in the past, too bad it didn’t work out today, even with all the markings on the fish finder, it’s fishing. Talking to the kids, sounds like they had a great time, of course the adventure of an outing like deep sea fishing will create memories with or without the fish cooperating.
We are getting into our busy season at the Gloucester Fleet with many evening cruises, all day fishing, partial day trips. The boat has never looked better, we put a great deal of money toward a cosmetic upgrade. We have a little more work to do, but we are also making an investment into our rental equipment to try to improve our customer’s experience board the Lady Sea.
Trips are starting to book up fast on weekends. Remember, we only put 40 people on the boat. Call us at 978 559 1978 to make your reservation.
From the Deck of the M/V Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew
Saturday June 6, 2015
Ran our first open boat 3/4 day trip of the year and crushed them. We came within 10 fish of our haddock limit, we caught red fish, pollock, mackerel, and a pool winning cusk of 8 lbs. It was only a 2 stop trip, first stop, we picked away, the second stop there were fish coming over the rail at a constant pace and we stayed there for the duration of the trip. The weather was good, 2-4 ft seas freshened by a northerly breeze that kept the ‘hoodies’ on for the entire trip.

In the afternoon, we ran our first 1/2 day trip of the year.
The weather was great, the skies cleared, t-shirts were easily acceptable.
It was consistent fishing and catching with haddock, pollock and a few cod in the mix.
A very good half day trip.
Sunday May 7, 2015
We hosted a private charter today. Fishing was excellent, plenty of fish caught all day. Some of the largest red fish of the year, along with our haddock limit a few Pollock and a cusk….it was a great day of fishing
So far this year, we have had very good fishing on every trip. There are a lot of fish around, most people leave the boat with fish, and the adventure of sailing out of Gloucester is special in it’s own right. The dog fish have not been a problem yet, come fishing, get some fresh haddock….it’s worth the trip.
From the Deck of the Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew

Sunday, June 21st, 2015
$10.00 off the All Day Trip
7am – 4pm
$56.00 per person, plus a $5.00 rod rental fee
Please call for reservations at
978 559 1978
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