August 9th-14th, Weekly Wrap-Up
Dog Days of August……
The past six days, the Lady Sea was the fishing platform for 2 Full Day trips, a 12 hour Marathon, a 3/4 Day and 2 Half Day trips.
This is a very simple fishing report. The weather was great, the fishing was great, the catching was great, and legal landings were very good. The full day trips and the marathon found us processing fish all the way to the breakwater. We caught very nice haddock, some cod, Pollock, redfish and cusk. It’s nice to have cod winning boat pools for the first time in a couple years. We also had a couple 10+ pound wolf fish that were returned to the depths alive. The dog fish were not a problem at all. There are blue sharks around taking an occasional fish from an unsuspecting angler. Marine life includes some basking sharks and a few whales.
This weekend was as good as it gets, only a couple weeks before school starts, we have some trips available over the next couple weeks….get out here before your calendars get very busy.
Wednesday, August 17th, 3/4 Day Fishing 7am – 1pm
Wednesday, August 17th, Half Day Fishing 130pm – 6pm
Thursday, August 18th, All Day Fishing 7am – 4pm
Saturday, August 20th, Half Day Fishing 1:30pm – 6pm
For reservations, please call us at 978 559 1978.