Saturday May 7, 2016 – All Day Trip
Saturday May 7, 2016 All Day Trip
Sorry for the late report, technical difficulties.
We left the dock today, a little late due to the extreme low tide and lack of water under the boat. We had heavy fog all day which makes everything just a little more difficult. Slight breeze from the north stayed with us all day, cold hands were the common among those that stayed at the rail. Once we passed the breakwater, we found seas 4 to 5 foot in a long rolling swell. With the fog and the ocean, a perfect recipe for sea sickness for those not on the ocean every week. About 1/3rd of the anglers suffered from the mal de mer today. May is tough, forecast for land was upper 50s, with ocean temps in the upper 40s along with wind and sea…..the Gulf of Maine just isn’t the same.
The sounding machine was offering plenty of life on the ocean bottom, but the catching results were not so positive. Jigs only snagged fish and bait was a very slow pick. A number of fishermen did not wet a line today which negatively impacted our catch today. We had a number of regulars, people that catch fish in any condition, that struggled today to get a bite. Pool winner was a 4 lb haddock.
We have better days ahead, much to the crew and anglers delight. From reading other fishing reports, we were not alone, it was just one of those days, bad weather, bad catching.
From the Deck of the Lady Sea
Captain Mike & Crew